Leveraging AutoBridge to Boost the Design Frequency

Author: Jie Wang (jiewang@cs.ucla.edu)

AutoBridge is an automation framework to boost the FPGA design frequency. This page explains how to leverage AutoBridge to further boost the systolic array frequency on Xilinx FPGAs.

The testing environment of all the designs presented in this tutorial is described by the table below.

Target FPGA

Xilinx Alveo U250

FPGA Synthesis Tools

Xilinx Vivado HLS 2019.2, Xilinx Vitis 2019.2


Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz

Introduction of AutoBridge

AutoBridge is a floorplanning tool based on the Vivado HLS design flow. It parses the Xilinx HLS designs and generates the floorplanning constraints to help boost the design frequency. More details about this tool can be found at:

Using AutoBridge to Boost the Frequency

Please follow the instructions on AutoBrige’s Github repo to install the tool.

The design example used for this tutorial can be found at the directory ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm.

Step 0: Generating the Reference Design

First of all, let’s generate a design directly without using AutoBridge. Use the following command to generate the systolic array design.

./autosa ./autosa_tests/large/mm/kernel.c \
--config=./autosa_config/autosa_config.json \
--target=autosa_hls_c \
--output-dir=./autosa.tmp/output \
--sa-sizes="{kernel[]->space_time[3];kernel[]->array_part[260,256,512];kernel[]->latency[20,16];kernel[]->simd[8]}" \
--simd-info=./autosa_tests/large/mm/simd_info.json \

The generated designs can be found at ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/src.

Copy the Makefile and the DRAM connectivity configuration file to the project directory.

cp ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/Makefile ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/
cp ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/connectivity.cfg autosa.tmp/output/

Set up your local Xilinx Vitis environment. Note that we target the Xilinx Alveo U250 in the Makefile. Change the Makefile and connectivity file accordingly if you target a different FPGA board. You may also need to change the design parameters described by --sa-sizes if your target FPGA board has less resource than Xilinx Alveo U250.

Run the following command to synthesize the design into bitstream.

cd ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output
make all


As the example design is rather large, it takes approximately 40 hours to finish the synthesis on our workstation.

After the synthesis is completed, you can check the design resource and frequency. Below is the resource and frequency information we collected for this design.







804517 (52.69%)

1360681 (43.17%)

953 (40.80%)

8320 (67.78%)

You could also test the generated design on board. We have listed the performance of the design in the table below.

Kernel Time (s)

Host Time (s)





Step 1: Compiling the Design Using Vivado HLS

Now let’s use AutoBridge to generate a design with higher frequency.

Before synthesizing the HLS design, add the pragma #pragma HLS dataflow disable_start_propagation at the top function. In our example, open the file ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/src/kernel_kernel.cpp. You will find the definition of the top function kernel0 starting from the line 1204.

extern "C" {
void kernel0(A_t16 *A, B_t16 *B, C_t16 *C)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=A offset=slave bundle=gmem_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B offset=slave bundle=gmem_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=C offset=slave bundle=gmem_C
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=A bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=B bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=C bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control


Add the pragma #pragma HLS dataflow disable_start_propagation into the top function. The modified code looks like below.

extern "C" {
void kernel0(A_t16 *A, B_t16 *B, C_t16 *C)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=A offset=slave bundle=gmem_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B offset=slave bundle=gmem_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=C offset=slave bundle=gmem_C
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=A bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=B bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=C bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control

#pragma HLS dataflow disable_start_propagation

Next, copy the Xilinx HLS TCL file from the AutoBridge repo to the project directory to synthesize the C code to RTL using Xilinx HLS.

cp ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/step1-run-hls.tcl ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/

Modify the TCL file to add the information for our project. Specifically, modify the first four lines of step1-run-hls.tcl from

open_project PROJECT_NAME
add_files PATH_TO_SRC_FILE


open_project kernel0
set_top kernel0
add_files "src/kernel_kernel.cpp"

Modify lines 25-26 of step1-run-hls.tcl from




Note that we define the target FPGA board at line 9 to Xilinx Alveo U250. Modify it accordingly for your project.

Now call Xilinx Vivado HLS to synthesize the design.

cd ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output
vivado_hls -f step1-run-hls.tcl

Step 2: Invoking AutoBridge to Generate Floorplanning Configuration for the Target Design

After the design is synthesized by HLS, we will invoke AutoBridge to analyze the project and generate the floorplanning constraints for the project.

AutoBridge provides a Python script for processing the HLS project automatically, which can be found at ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/step2-autobridge.py.

Please refer to AutoBridge’s repo for more details about this script.

Normally, before running this script, we will have to modify the following fields in the script.

project_math: Modify it to the directory of the HLS project. As for our example, we set it as:

project_path = '${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/kernel0'

top_name: Modify it the top function of the HLS project.

top_name = 'kernel0'

board_name: Modify it to the target FPGA board. AutoBridge currently supports Xilinx Alveo U250 and U280. We use the U250 by default.

board_name = 'u250'

DDR_loc_2d_y, DDR_loc_2d_x: Modify them to assign the locations of the AXI modules.

In the generated HLS code, we have assigned diffrent global pointers to different AXI buses by default. In lines 1204-1212, we have the following code:

void kernel0(A_t16 *A, B_t16 *B, C_t16 *C)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=A offset=slave bundle=gmem_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B offset=slave bundle=gmem_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=C offset=slave bundle=gmem_C
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=A bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=B bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=C bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control

We have assigned the three global pointers A, B, C to three different AXI buses gmem_A, gmem_B, and gmem_C.

There are four DDR controllers available on U250. In this design, we will assign gmem_A to DDR0, gmem_B to DDR1, and gmem_C to DDR3. We have already assigned this DDR configuration in the connectivity file connectivity.cfg we mentioned previously.

We will have to modify the AutoBridge script to reflect this mapping as well.

Modify the lines 84-111 of step2-autobridge.py as follows:

DDR_loc_2d_y['A_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_x['A_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_gmem_A_m_axi_U'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_x['kernel0_gmem_A_m_axi_U'] = 0

DDR_loc_2d_y['B_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 1
DDR_loc_2d_x['B_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_gmem_B_m_axi_U'] = 1
DDR_loc_2d_x['kernel0_gmem_B_m_axi_U'] = 0

DDR_loc_2d_y['C_drain_IO_L3_out_serialize_U0'] = 3
DDR_loc_2d_x['C_drain_IO_L3_out_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_gmem_C_m_axi_U'] = 3
DDR_loc_2d_x['kernel0_gmem_C_m_axi_U'] = 0

DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_control_s_axi_U'] = 0

DDR_enable = [1, 1, 0, 1]

For each AXI bus, HLS generates two modules that are associated with it. First, the hardware module in the user code that accesses the data via this bus. As for our example, in kernel_kernel.cpp, the global pointer A is used by the function A_IO_L3_in_serialize. Xilinx HLS will rename to the function name to A_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0 after synthesis. AutoBridge requires the RTL module name in the script. You may refer to the HLS report or generated RTL to find the exact RTL module name for your design. The second module is the AXI bus module that connects the user logic to the DDR controller. In our design, it is named kernel0_gmem_A_m_axi_U.

AutoBridge divides the FPGA on-chip area to multiple regions. The figure below shows the partitioned regions for both Xilinx Alveo U250 and U280 boards.


As we can see from the figure, the on-chip logic is physically scattered by die boundaries, DDR/HBM controllers, non-programmable logic, and other peripheral IPs. AutoBridge partitions the on-chip logic based on these modules. The partitioned regions and indices are shown in the figure on the right.

As the gmem_A is connected to DDR0, we assign the locations for these modules as:

DDR_loc_2d_y['A_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_x['A_IO_L3_in_serialize_U0'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_gmem_A_m_axi_U'] = 0
DDR_loc_2d_x['kernel0_gmem_A_m_axi_U'] = 0

Similarly, we add the locations for other AXI buses as shown in the code above.

For each kernel, there is a controller with S_AXI interface. By the recommendation of AutoBridge, we will assign it to the bottom SLR as it talks to the PCIe IP.

DDR_loc_2d_y['kernel0_control_s_axi_U'] = 0

Lastly, we will also need to update the variable DDR_enable to reflect the DDR controllers in use. In our example, since we only use the first, second, and fourth DDR channel, we set it as:

DDR_enable = [1, 1, 0, 1]

We are almost done here, the final step, is to specify the maximal resource utilization ratio of each region. As an example, we set the variable max_usage_ratio_2d as:

max_usage_ratio_2d = [ [0.8, 0.7], [0.85, 0.75], [0.85, 0.85], [0.85, 0.7] ]

Please feel free to adjust these ratios according to the resource usage of your design. Setting the upper bound of resource usage for each region helps guide AutoBridge to scatter the logic across chip which helps improve the timing. AutoBridge might fail in the case where we set the upper bounds lower than the required resource of the design. In that case, try to increase the ratio until AutoBridge can successfully place the design. Besides, as AutoBridge uses the estimated resource from HLS reports which might be inconsistant with the syntheized resource usage. You may need to re-adjust these values if the design fails routing in the later stages.

Until now, you have a modified AutoBridge script customized for our design. We also provide an example script at ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/step2-autobridge.py.

Now, execute the Python script to run AutoBridge.

cp ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/step2-autobridge.py ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/
cd ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts
./step2-autobridge.py | tee autobridge.log

After it finishes, you should see a folder named autobridge in the same directory. It contains the modified RTL code and the floorplanning constraint constraint.tcl. The AutoBridge-generated information is printed to autobridge.log.


If AutoBridge fails, modify the max_usage_ratio_2d accordingly to make sure there is enough area allocated for the design.

Step 3: Packing the Design

AutoBridge modifies the HLS generated RTL. In this step, we will pack the modified design into an xo file that can be synthesized by Xilinx Vitis. AutoBridge provides a TCL file for packing the design. Run the following command to pack the design.

cp ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/step3-pack-xo.tcl ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/autobridge/

Now modify the this TCL file according to your project.

Modify the line 1 from

open_project PROJECT_NAME


open_project kernel0

Modify the line 3 from

export_design -rtl verilog -format ip_catalog -xo XO_NAME.xo


export_design -rtl verilog -format ip_catalog -xo kernel0.xo


We also provide an example TCL file step3-pack-xo.tcl under the design example directory ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/pack_xo.tcl.

Before running the TCL script, we will need to copy the original HLS source files to the working directory.

cp -r ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa.tmp/output/src cd ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/autobridge/

Now, run the TCL script.

cd ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/autobridge
vivado_hls -f step3-pack-xo.tcl

After Vivado HLS finishes the packing process, you will find a file named kernel0.xo under the working directory.

Step 4: Synthesizing the Design

The last step will be synthesizing the design to bitstream using Xilinx Vitis. Copy the script for synthesizing the design to the working directory.

cp ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/step4-run-vitis.sh ${AUTOBRIDGE_ROOT}/reference-scripts/autobridge/

Modify the file step4-run-vitis.sh according to the design configuration. For this example, modify line 4 from




Modify line 10 from




Modify lines 32-35 from




Modify lines 58-61 from

--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_1}:DDR[0] \
--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_2}:DDR[1] \
--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_3}:DDR[2] \
--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_4}:DDR[3] \


--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_1}:DDR[0] \
--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_2}:DDR[1] \
--connectivity.sp ${TOP}_1.${ARG_FOR_DDR_4}:DDR[3] \

An example script of this project can be also found at ${AUTOSA_ROOT}/autosa_tests/large/mm/step4-run-vitis.tcl.

Now set up the Xilinx Vitis environment and run the script.

chmod u+x ./step4-run-vitis.sh

Please wait until the synthesis process is finished.

Results Comparsion

We could now compare the designs unoptimized and optimized by AutoBridge. The tables below show the detailed comparison results.









804517 (52.69%)

1360681 (43.17%)

953 (40.80%)

8320 (67.78%)



803752 (52.64%)

1325480 (42.05%)

952 (40.75%)

8320 (67.78%)


Kernel Time (s)

Host Time (s)











Credit: Young-kyu Choi (ykchoi@cs.ucla.edu)